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A great deal has been achieved since 2019: the Victorian gardeners’ hut, restored by Islington Borough Council to create a WC and a kitchen, has been equipped through donations and street-harvested furnishings; a wooden shed has been erected;

  • £1,000 was raised to buy a powerful mulcher, compost and sand to improve the heavy clay soil;

  • 13 benches have been washed and oiled;

  • boundary shrubs have been cleared to make the war memorial visible from Thornhill Road;

  • flowers have been planted around  the memorial; little crosses, poppies and the occasional photograph have been added by visitors; 300 bulbs have been planted;

  • a 100-yard woodchip-lined nature and wildlife trail has been created for small children to take a magical walk through thick bushes, past a bug hotel, insect wood-pile, a log fernery and a round-the-tree bench;

  • one corner has been cleared and a short dogwood, hazel and hawthorne hedge has been planted in preparation for a wildlife area, where a pond with lilies has been created; 

  • another corner has been cleared and planted – plants include Japanese Acers and Arum Lilies;

  • seven flower beds have been deep-dug, and compost and sharp sand mixed in to improve the soil;

  • the top lawn has been treated and fenced off to create “The Patch” for families with small children;

  • a large round-the-tree bench has been made from 300-year-old roofing timber donated from the restoration of Holy Trinity Church, Cloudesley Square;

  • a water pipe has been laid under the Children’s Nature and Wildlife Trail; two stand pipes and a branch line have been laid for irrigating  the top lawn;

  • six fruit trees and six phormiums have been planted on the lower grassed area – mainly used by dog owners; vegetable planters have been made from reclaimed decking;

Right, Cassie, baby Heston and Gunner the dog enjoying the round-the-tree bench.


© 2021 Thornhill Gardens

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